Aug 16, 2009

What You Absolutely Cannot Succeed Without...

Regardless of who you study, how hard you study,
or how much you work your butt off, you'll never be
successful without this ONE thing...

Ready for it...?

The right mindset.

Now before you run off to check on something
'more important' I want you to PLEASE hear [read] this out.

I know you've heard it before, but I can just
about guarantee you don't yet HAVE the right
mindset... how do I know that?

You would be successful if you did. I Know, not cool.
The entire Universe is like a mirror image
of yourself. What you think, feel and focus on
determines the kind of experiences you have.

If you're always focusing on how much money
you need OR ELSE something bad could happen,
then guess what you're gonna attract?

More bad stuff.

Most people are mentally conditioned to this
fight-or-flight response mode of being.

They get their motivation from fear and need.

And this causes them to forget the truth of
the matter... you get more of what you are.

And what you are is made up of the choices,
actions and movements you make through life.

So if you think "I am broke" then you're going
to be broke until you change that belief.

Sure, money could come into your life but it
won't stay long and will slip right through
your fingers before you know what happened.

Has this happened to you more than once?
I'm sure it has. It happens to all of us.

It's all part of the learning game.

We have to put ourselves through some pretty
bad stuff in order to OVERCOME them and be a
better, smarter, wiser person for it.

Make sense?

You need to condition yourself to think
differently from everyone else around you
if he need calls for it.
And this goes for any situation...

To Your Success!

by James Grandstaff, 3218 Gardner , Berkley, MI 48072, USA