Biz Joe – a.k.a.
Amailuk joseph is an Educator, by profession, Writer
& Entrepreneur as a trade.
(Biz –Relationships):
I can afford to say been there done that and
appreciated the good the bad the ugly and the flaws. Having had my own fair
shares of heartache, I have learned to turn my Lemons to Lemonades. It has not
at all along been easy going; hence, I chose to use my experiences to your
benefit. “My Pain Shall Be Your Gain”
Having been in the Brick & Mortar business over
8 plus years I have leveraged the lessons learned to help guide you from the
pitfalls that befall many unwary business hopefuls. Reinventing the wheel has
never helped anyone; you will not be the first. Learn from those that have been
there and save you the newbie scrapes.
Managed Services
/ Investments
Even if you may not be interested in doing
business, am sure you would not mind investing your money. Why invest your
money? Well, to make wealth, an early retirement, if not for your next
Writing to me is a natural instinct triggered by
passion, desire and never-ending imagination, which I must say we all have. As
a freelance writer, I get to express my passion through services I offer.
Content developing, e-Book writing, Cover letter
& Resume writing & assessments.