Silence is the great teacher, and to
learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the
creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to
contact your core of inner silence.
–– Deepak Chopra ––
I have had occasion, and severally
come across the phrasing; The Lord is the
SILENT listener to every conversation in this house, in reference to their
homes. In essence, the Lord is present, whether or not we see or appreciate His
presence. The key words here are Silent Listener.
How many times are we ever just silent (observers) listeners of whatever is
going on around us? Silence is an art not endowed to many. Mostly seeking an opportunity
to complain or express our grievances at any level. It is a lot easier to
complain than give compliment. Well, now it is time to learn the art of
silence. Being quick to hear BUT slow to response.
Why, you may be
wondering. Well, still focused on generating new business ideas and our focus
this time round is on SILENCE. Remember in the previous article we spoke of Brain Storming to generate moneymaking
ideas? Well, now silence is one art that can make you rich fast too. This does
not mean you should keep mum in the presence of others. No. what it actually
suggests is that you do more listening in, with perspective to where the money is.
You need to come out from the crowd here to make this work for you. Silence
here allows you to focus in on the possible solutions and not the problem.
You are practically
getting the problem PLUS its possible solution. Moreover, without leaving the
grounds you even have a possible clientele for the service. You could then go
and mull over the information you have gathered. Talk to them again when they
are sober (not pissed off) and ask if they would seriously and genuinely pay
for the service were it to be rendered them. People when angry can say just
about anything out of spite, even that which they know for a fact not to be
true. So please confer with them again and give the process more time.
It would also be nice
to inquire from other possible users of the service what they think about it. If
you are still getting a positive feedback, you just may be onto something! Bearing
in mind for any idea to have any meaningful value, it has to have a need it is
catering for. Short of that, you may end up with a bummer on your hands. Not good.
Getting the idea is only a part of a series of things you would have to do. But
in all, you would have an idea, a possible business and clients to boot.
“Blessed is the man who, having
nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.”
― George Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such
― George Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such
“Silence makes idiots seem wise even
for a minute.”
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Angel's Game
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Angel's Game
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