Jul 23, 2009

Building A Modern Home Office

Building A Modern Home Office

by Bryan Hufford

If you're working out of your home, you most likely have some sort
of a home office. No matter what type of home office you have,
there are some things that every office should have. Get ready to
get rid of the clutter and get your home office looking more modern
and better than ever!

Essential Home Office Tools

What do you need for an effective home office? Don't fall for all
of the high-tech, fancy gadgets on the market today. To have an
effective home office for general business that will meet your
everyday needs, you only need the following:

- An all-in-one printer, fax, copier, and scanner

- Either a desktop computer or laptop computer

- A working landline or cell phone

Those three things mentioned above are the essential tools needed
in your office. Get rid of that old scanner, the dated fax, and the
crappy copier and pick up an all-in-one. This saves space and
leaves no room for clutter, not to mention how easy it is to
operate. Throw away the filing cabinet and scan documents and save
them onto a hard drive. Get rid of your old bulky CRT monitor and
turn it in for a new flat-panel LCD.

A Separate Space For Work

Get out of your bedroom office (if you can) and use that spare
bedroom (or garage) to convert it into the ultimate office space. You need a
space dedicated to work, so that way your work won't invade your
personal area, as each day you will technically be "commuting to
" when going to your own personal [space] office.

A separate space is also beneficial because if gets you away from
distractions. This way, you go in, do your work, and leave. Very
similar to a job away from home, except the commute is much shorter!

Keep It Clean - Keep It Simple

There's no need to go overboard when dressing up your office. Keep
the walls a dark color. Avoid bright painted walls. Avoid excess
clutter on the walls, such as too many picture frames or paintings.
Also make sure your desk is clean and organized. A cluttered desk
is a distraction, which will eventually lead to you not getting
done what you need to get done.

Take some of these things into consideration when getting your home
office ready. I can assure you that these tips will make for a
better, more modern home office.


Bryan Hufford is a former corporate slave turned online
entrepreneur. He has successfully launched several businesses
online, working directly from home. Find out how you can start
working at hóme and join his newsletter about earning extra income
online at his website http://www.workathomecompanies.net

Re: Can a Home Based Business Opportunity Help Stay at Home Moms?

Are you a stay at home Mom, is your husband working a low to middle management position and a second job on the side?  Are you living from paycheque to paycheque? Are you frustrated with the fact that you or your husband is working two jobs and never home enough to help with the children and household chores? 

Let's face it, when the decision is made for the Mom to stay home with the children, it can put a great deal of pressure on the family finances/resources.  Most families cannot live on one income; which means Dad has to work not one full-time job, but two.  The result?  A Dad who is gone A LOT more than he is home. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I have a husband who is committed enough, to US raising our kids and he's willing to work two jobs to provide for our family.  I just know how important his role is with our kids too. 

This predicament got me wondering.., "Is there a way to get him more time with the family (and more time to help with chores around the house!
J), without me getting a job that would put the kids in daycare?"

Moms, have you thought about checking out an online business opportunity?
A common misconception is that starting a business has to cost 1000's of dollars.  Not true.  Did you know that many legitimate home based businesses can be started with $500 or even less?

I know it may be hard to invest $500 in a business.  You may have to put away some money for a few months (as difficult as that is).  But let's be honest, for most Mom's and families, the issue isn't being able to find  that kind of money to start a business (we scrape it together for the mechanic, the dentist and the occasional plane ticket, right?), it is the fear of losing that money on a scam or even a legitimate business that just doesn't work out.

This can easily be mitigated IF you do your homework.  A great place to start is with a checklist of criteria and key components your home business must have if you want to succeed. 

Another misconception is that "Moms" aren't qualified to own and run a business. Absolutely NOT true!  Did you know that many ordinary Moms' are starting their own online businesses
and making a comfortable living?

It makes sense - Moms have more incentive to do well in business because we are helping support our families.

I know the idea of starting a business and taking on another commitment can be scary, but dare to dream a little and ask yourself these questions: What would it be like if my husband only had to work one job?  What would it be like to have a few hours to myself - Dad could take the children for an outing and I could have the house to myself?  What would it be like to soak in the tub with a great book and no children screaming "Mom, Mom, Mom, when are you going to fix dinner?!"  What would it be like to have enough extra income that you could go on family vacations? 

The right home based business opportunity may be what you are looking for.  The right internet based business can allow you to work the hours that are convenient while still
enjoying time with your children.  It's easier today than ever before, with wireless internet connections and laptops, you might find the entrepreneurial Mom at the beach or by the pool. 

The first step in making this dream a reality is to make sure you are informed on what kind of business will give you a legitimate chance of succeeding and which one will mostly likely leave you disappointed and with more credit card debt.  (you could try them out, Start that research here: http://bridgetandpeter.homebusinessprofitblueprint.com/?sid=07-16-09
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Not authored by Biz joe; [possible edits] article posted
for readers' benefit.
DISCLAIMER:  Biz joe is in no way responsible for any
false or misleading information therein and recommends
taking counsel given with a pinch of salt. In principle, Biz
joe finds the information edifying.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Pick Your Battles - Don't Let Them Pick you!!

The way the economy is today, some people will think, "How can this person have the nerve to ask me to join her in a home business?"

You see, I have lost my job after 10 and 1/2 years with the same company. The one bright spot in this mess is my home business it is helping to support us.  I am so glad I have it, because it is the one Company that is going to see me through and allow me to grow.

I didn't start my home business so that I could quit my job.  Most people do, but I didn't. I am going to keep looking for another job. But we all know that it isn't going to be easy to find one.

Don't wait until you lose your job and your income to do something to secure your future.  If I had waited to start my business, I would be in a Bankruptcy court.

Think about what you would be up against if you had no other resources.  I market on a very low budget.  I can't afford to stop now. If anything, I will be working harder to make my business grow, whether I am lucky enough to find another job or not.

One of my mentors told me that maybe now is the time to "Pick My Battles".  And I have decided that he is right!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This piece is not authored by Biz joe; [
besides a few
edits] just posted for readers' the benefit. Credits to
DISCLAIMER:  Biz joe is in no way responsible for any
false or misleading information therein and recommends
taking advice given with a pinch of salt. In principle, Biz
joe finds the counsel SWELL.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

" Those who judge before they know the facts will learn to shed tears." Quote from Zambia
" The eyes that have seen the ocean cannot be satisfied by a mere lagoon." Quote from Gabon

***  " If you think education is expensive, try ignorance " Robert Kiyosaki. ***

Jul 16, 2009

Brief Introduction.

We will loosely take a business to being commercial activity involving the exchange of money for goods or services [with intent to profit thereof], whereas a job is a paid activity such as a trade or profession that somebody does regularly for pay (done for regular pay), or a paid position doing this.
J.O.B. is defined by many as being Just Over Broke. How many persons do you know of that have at least a minimum of three months of their regular pay in savings? The Ideal is averagely six months. It is assumed, you should be able to comfortably find your next JOB within this time frame. Your guess is as good as mine...
A job can be equated to Slavery. How so...?
For starters, you have no control over your wages which aren't anywhere even near relative to how well or how much you work. You need to actually work harder to retain your place (with increasing JOB competition) and all at no extra pay! [or else you get fired, replaced, sidelined, etc] A job is an okay thing. In that It assures you of an income that is somewhat guaranteed. You can plan, budget around a pay cheque anyways. So WHY have a business however small?
Business on the other hand rewards your labours. A lot depends on you being willing to learn the ropes (principles) that kept the trinkets coming in. This is where Robert Kiyosaki's advice comes in handy "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." You could easily do a business along with your current employment if you do not wish to leave your job just yet. Yes, this I highly recommend. Until such time that your business would require full attention.
Well, I guess we can see to an extent, why a business would come in handy especially in these times of recession. Do not be deceived, there isn't a better time as this to get involved in business. It equally calls for lots of caution before you jump into the fry.
Business is tented to be thought of in terms of [big and gigantic] General Motors, Microsoft, Mc Donald's, you name it. Our focus here is on small scale business'. This is not a business guide, it is just wise business counsel.
NEVER DESPISE HUMBLE BEGINNINGS! It is these that eventually turn into the giants we are so familiar with. Take Microsoft for example; Ford the car makers and many others. You could be the next if you take yourself seriously enough.
It is about time you really considered setting up business. For You!

" Those who judge before they know the facts will learn to shed tears." Quote from Zambia
" The eyes that have seen the ocean cannot be satisfied by a mere lagoon." Quote from Gabon