Jul 16, 2009

Brief Introduction.

We will loosely take a business to being commercial activity involving the exchange of money for goods or services [with intent to profit thereof], whereas a job is a paid activity such as a trade or profession that somebody does regularly for pay (done for regular pay), or a paid position doing this.
J.O.B. is defined by many as being Just Over Broke. How many persons do you know of that have at least a minimum of three months of their regular pay in savings? The Ideal is averagely six months. It is assumed, you should be able to comfortably find your next JOB within this time frame. Your guess is as good as mine...
A job can be equated to Slavery. How so...?
For starters, you have no control over your wages which aren't anywhere even near relative to how well or how much you work. You need to actually work harder to retain your place (with increasing JOB competition) and all at no extra pay! [or else you get fired, replaced, sidelined, etc] A job is an okay thing. In that It assures you of an income that is somewhat guaranteed. You can plan, budget around a pay cheque anyways. So WHY have a business however small?
Business on the other hand rewards your labours. A lot depends on you being willing to learn the ropes (principles) that kept the trinkets coming in. This is where Robert Kiyosaki's advice comes in handy "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." You could easily do a business along with your current employment if you do not wish to leave your job just yet. Yes, this I highly recommend. Until such time that your business would require full attention.
Well, I guess we can see to an extent, why a business would come in handy especially in these times of recession. Do not be deceived, there isn't a better time as this to get involved in business. It equally calls for lots of caution before you jump into the fry.
Business is tented to be thought of in terms of [big and gigantic] General Motors, Microsoft, Mc Donald's, you name it. Our focus here is on small scale business'. This is not a business guide, it is just wise business counsel.
NEVER DESPISE HUMBLE BEGINNINGS! It is these that eventually turn into the giants we are so familiar with. Take Microsoft for example; Ford the car makers and many others. You could be the next if you take yourself seriously enough.
It is about time you really considered setting up business. For You!

" Those who judge before they know the facts will learn to shed tears." Quote from Zambia
" The eyes that have seen the ocean cannot be satisfied by a mere lagoon." Quote from Gabon

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